1st Marks Tey & Copford Scout Group
he 1st Marks Tey & Copford Scout Group provides “Scouting” for young people in the Marks Tey and Copford areas. The Group originally started in 1926 but closed in 1929.
The Group was re-formed in 1956 and is currently run by a team of volunteers who give up their time freely to provide exciting and challenging programmes for the young people to undertake.
At present we offer three “Sections” of the Scouting family – Beaver Scouts, Cub Scouts and Scouts with the contacts within the Scouting Movement to provide for any young person wishing to progress to Explorer Scouts.
The 1st Marks Tey & Copford Scout Group is ably assisted by a strong and active Executive Committee.
We do operate a Waiting List process within our Group and if you would like to put your child down for Scouting please click on New Member Enquiry.
NOTE: Any personal data entered will be held for Scouting purposes only and will be deleted when deemed no longer required.
If you would like to know anything more about our Group please contact our Group Scout Leader Liz Welch on 07748-840949
Last updated: 30th June, 2022 - James Puxley